Saturday, January 07, 2006

Multiple Choice #7 - Health

Time for another quiz. This time the subject is Health (no cheering now, Mom). Good Luck all and submit your answers to me before January 14th.

1. What is the more common term for Varicella?

A. Chicken Pox
B. The Pox
C. Smallpox
D. Measles

2. What would a doctor most likely be looking for if he tested your bone density?

A. Osteoarthritis
B. Bone cancer
C. Rhuematoid arthritis
D. Osteoporosis

3. What telling feature do you have if you are polydactyl?

A. You have extra long nails
B. You have unusually large fingers
C. You have additional fingers and toes
D. You have webbed toes

4. What is the scientific term for the "white of the eye", the part surrounding the eyeball?

A. Conjunctiva
B. Sclera
C. Albumen
D. Cornea

5. What is the name of the median wall that separates the left and right sides of the human heart?

A. Atrium
B. Septum
C. Epicardium
D. Pericardium

Bonus - Which of these common medications is NOT primarily used as a pain reliever?

A. Acetaminophen
B. Diphenhydramine
C. Ibuprofen
D. Acetylsalicylic acid


Gleezus said...

Okay, results are in. I stumped no one so I recieve no points.

Debbie got all 5 of the regular questions right, and the bonus question. She gets 6 points, plus 1 for getting them all right, plus another 1 for getting them all right first. She totals 8 points for this round! Though none of us are really surprised.

Grandpa got 4 regular right and the bonus question giving him 5 points.

Laura got 3 regular questions right and the bonus giving her 4 points.

Jimmy got 2 of the regular questions right and the bonus giving him 3 points.

I'll add the totals to the scoreboard and we'll see how everyone is doing.

Here are the answers:

1. A - Chicken Pox
2. D - Osteoporosis
3. C - Additional fingers and toes
4. B - Sclera
5. B - Septum
Bonus B - Diphenhydramine

Everyone got #2, and the bonus question. Only Debbie got #5 right. Congrats!

Gleezus said...

Mom you've got just 2 categories to choose from...


These will be rounds 8 and 9. Round 10 will be Miscellaneous. Once those rounds are completed a winner will be chosen and a new game will start.
The next game will be more specific questions (i.e. Entertainment - Movies - Actors - Tom Hanks, History - America - 1940s, etc.). Think of some you would like now because you guys will pick most of the next categories... Good Luck!

Gleezus said...

Seeing as Mom didn't choose, I chose for her. The next quiz is Literature, which means that Technology will be #9 and a Misc. Quiz will be #10. Good Luck!