Thursday, December 29, 2005

Image Uploading Tutorial

Okay first and foremost, you must disable any pop-up blockers. This seems to cause most of the problems. Also, I would suggest making the image a jpg instead of a gif or bmp as the load time for this type is quicker. I have made a quick little tutorial for posting images below if that does not solve the issue...

Select the image icon and a window should pop up which looks like this...

I suggest selecting the "None" option for the layout as the blog tends to get confused if there is a lot of text near it if you select one of the other options. Clicking on browse should open up this window...

Select the image you want.

Choose your sizing (medium and small work best on this blog layout) and click Upload Image. It should tell you it is uploading the image and then it will tell you it is complete, see following images...

1st screen...

2nd screen...

Then, voila!!! Your image is there.

If you want to get fancy you can play with the HTML in the Edit Html section, but it's a bit flaky so edit at your own risk... have fun and I look forward to some more Christmas pictures... Oh, and before I forget... Happy New Year!!!


Gleezus said...

I just found these links... good for information about uploading from a computer, a digital camera, a camera phone, and the web.

Basic -

Advanced -

Gleezus said...

Hell it didn't post the links right... lets try again...

Basic Information

Advanced Information