Monday, November 28, 2005

Pictures of Ryan

Hey, I know I've been slacking with the pictures of Ryan, so here ya go!

Nighttime Adventures

Dr. Jekyll
Mr. Hyde
I think it's snack time...
Perhaps you didn't understand me... I said


Don't make me into a pie!
Where's my hat!!!
Uh... I'm a pumpkin?!?
I wanted to be Darth Vader!!!

Time for Football!

E-A-G... wait, I can't spell yet.
Go Eagles!!!
Watching football is such hard work...


Laura and Ryan
Samantha loved to spin in this dress... a lot.
No turkey for Ryan :(
I know it's not Ryan, but she looked so cute in her little dress.

Adventures in Boredom

Holy crap! I'm standing!
Scratch that last remark...
Look ma! No hands!
Hands! Hands! Haaaands!!!!


Say Cheese!
Ryan learned to smile...
Happy Halloween!!!
...from both ends?!?


Top Dog said...

Great stuff! Some really good pictures and witty commentary. Fun reading.

Gleezus said...

Thanks, did you do the 'mouse over' thing I showed you before? If you haven't yet, there are some more comments (mostly 'from Ryan').

For those of you who don't know, a 'mouse over' is when you hold the mouse cursor over an image and a little yellow box pops up with a message.

Gleezus said...

Is it just me, or does his hair have more of that red tint to it? Didn't Michael have that when he was little?

Gleezus said...

I showed some people at the office these pictures and a couple of them started calling Ryan Mini-Me because of the picture with him and Laura on Thanksgiving. I swear his pinkie isn't normally like that!

Gleezus said...

Diana - Any luck finding those pictures?

Also, I just uploaded some more pictures of Ryan