Thursday, February 23, 2006

Clicking Noises

Yay! More important (at least to Laura and I) baby accomplishments...

He's been smiling and screaming and (sort of) laughing for a little bit now, but a new sound has emerged from this little creature (and its not from the other end either). He has started making a 'clicking' type sound.... I can't write what it sounds like, but it is the noise you make when you call your cat or dog that "here kitty, kitty, tick, tick, tick" sound. We assume the reasoning for this is that we call Roxie (our dog) like that and he has picked it up... if he sees the dog or wants her attention he does the little ticking sound. The dog won't come to him, but she will look at him quizically. He does it slower than we do, but it's cute. He and the dog get along really well. He likes to 'pet' her, which means for him rubbing his hand on her head or back and periodically yanking at her hair and/or ears. She sits there and lets him do it (usually while giving me some sort of annoyed or dirty look) and doesn't growl or yipe or anything. Well, like I said... it's a small achievement, but one we are currently enjoying. Later!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Multiple Choice #10 - Miscellaneous

Last round for this game. Don't forget to send your answers to Also, don't forget to send me some Trivia Category ideas for the next game! Good Luck!

1. Sports - The Vikings and the Bills have both made Super Bowl appearances and never won. How many times have each of these teams gone to (and lost) the Super Bowl?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

2. Movies - In every Pixar movie several things have always been featured. Which one of these has NOT been in every Pixar movie to date?

A. Voice actor John Ratzenberger
B. CalArts room number A113
C. Cameo from a movie currently in production
D. The Pizza Planet Truck

3. History - How many presidents have died in office (either by assassination or by natural causes)?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

4. Science - How many years are between each sighting of the Halley's Comet?

A. 65 - 66 years
B. 75 - 76 years
C. 85 - 86 years
D. 95 - 96 years

5. Technology - ".com" is the most popular generic top-level domain (gTLD) used on the World Wide Web. Which of the following is NOT a valid gTLD?

A. .biz
B. .info
C. .tel
D. .aero

This bonus question came about because of a Geico commercial. This word was given to a group of spelling bee children. I found this word to be humorous so I looked into it. You've got a 50/50 shot. Good Luck

Bonus - True/False - Floccinaucinihilipilification cannot be found in any version of a Webster's Dictionary.

Friday, February 03, 2006

New Photo Display!

The "Random Images" section has been rearranged to include picture from the entire album, not just the most recent ones. If you don't like the new layout and prefer the older one, let me know. I can set this to have 3, 5, or 10 pictures... Want more, want less? Let me know. Later!